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Asian digital currency step guides on blockchain technology. Smart contracts, peer to peer, open course? All these is the part of crypto trading

Synthetix Full Guide and Review: Making Money Staking SNX

Synthetix is one of the most unique and wildly successful DeFi projects in crypto. It consists of a decentralized exchange and an asset issuance...

What is ADAX?

ADAX is a decentralized and non-custodial automated liquidity protocol that supports trading within the Cardano ecosystem. ADAX does not have an order book; the cryptocurrency...

What is CloneX?

CloneX is an NFT collection of 20,000 algorithmically-generated 3D characters designed for metaverse interaction.  There have been some public statements conveying that traditional art,...

What is EngiNeart? $ENGINE

EngineArt is a NEAR-based NFT collection composed of 6,789 algorithmically generated characters, equipped with a meticulously-detailed and impressive art style.  The online gambling industry,...

What is Onomy? (NOM)

Onomy is a layer-1 blockchain built on the Cosmos network designed to boost the foreign exchange market through the minting of virtual denominations of...
Mill3 AI

What is Mill3 AI?

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping numerous facets of life, the writing industry is no exception. AI-powered writing assistants are becoming...

What is Trisolaris? $TRI

Trisolaris is a DEX built on NEAR Protocol’s Aurora EVM, boasting fast settlement times, low fees, and democratic governance.  Blockchain technology has brought numerous...

What is Lido? $LDO Liquid Staking

Lido is a liquid staking platform running on multiple blockchains, allowing users to remain liquid while staking their coins. The centralized financial system is slowly...
monkey kingdom

What is Monkey Kingdom?

The Monkey Kingdom is a Solana-based NFT collection of 2,222 pixelated monkeys inspired by the Chinese mythical figure, Sun Wukong. Asia is currently under-represented in...

Ultimate Guide to Web3

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, a new era has dawned with the advent of Web 3.0, or simply Web3. This revolution carries with it...