Ethereum Constantinople Fork: How It Affects ETH Miners
Ethereum miners have been waiting for this day to come. The day they are referring to is the system-wide Constantinople upgrade.
It has proved almost...
Ethereum Founder, Vitalik Buterin Set to be at Shanghai Global Blockchain Event
Ethereum founder, Vitalik Buterin is the first major names to put themselves down to attend the 2019 Shanghai Blockchain International Week event from the...
Bosch partners with EnBW for an Ethereum-based car charging station
Bosch, a leading German engineering and electronics company, is making a bold move in the world of blockchain.
The Ethereum Developer Fund, EIP-2025 Considered For Istanbul
Ethereum's protocol is about to undergo a substantial update. The Istanbul hard fork is the next stage on the road to Ethereum 2.0. Some...
DeFi is Dangerously Inefficient Right Now, Here’s the Solution
The DeFi ecosystem has seen tremendous growth in the last two years and has been considered Ethereum's "killer app" by many. However, it appears...
Ethereum Constantinople Fork May Leave Chinese ASIC Producer Out of Business
Ethereum, one of the largest blockchains and base for most alternative coins with its ERC20 standard have sent the crypto world into much thought...
The Ethereum Community Fund starts Partnership with Shandong University
The Ethereum community fund project (ECF) will partner with Shandong University to establish the ‘College Student Blockchain Technology Research Association.
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) Opens Office in China
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) has delivered some big news this week, confirming their plans to open offices in China.
The new regional office will...
Ethereum welcomes a $100,000 cryptocurrency collectible F1 racing car
To some, spending $200 on anything that is not a video game can be considered to be a waste of money.
Vitalik Buterin Talks Monero Security Issue and Hints at Privacy Future
Ethereum founder, Vitalik Buterin, has alluded to a possible privacy feature in the future for his token as he also made comments regarding Monero’s security issues.