Consider this When Buying Ethereum From ETH Exchanges
Digital assets or cryptocurrencies are new investment options. However, it is the technology behind it that promise to cause a tectonic shift in all...
Ethereum (ETH) Scarcity: By 2021, Daily Emission May Drop 10X
Time is running out if you want to lay your hands on a piece of Ethereum (ETH). ETH, the second largest crypto by market...
Ethereum (ETH) is a Better Store of Value, Not Bitcoin or Gold
Here’s what Investopedia defines an asset that is a perfect store of value (SoV). They say, a SoV is “an asset that maintains its...
A Dapp game developer jumps ship from Ethereum to Tron
Ethereum continues to lose its appeal among developers and institutions seeking to have a feel of blockchain technology.
DeFi is Dangerously Inefficient Right Now, Here’s the Solution
The DeFi ecosystem has seen tremendous growth in the last two years and has been considered Ethereum's "killer app" by many. However, it appears...
Ethereum Constantinople Fork: How It Affects ETH Miners
Ethereum miners have been waiting for this day to come. The day they are referring to is the system-wide Constantinople upgrade.
It has proved almost...
Binance Acquires Decentralized Trust Wallet for Ethereum Tokens
Binance, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges has just made its first public acquisition of Trust Wallet according to an announcement on Tuesday. The...
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) Opens Office in China
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) has delivered some big news this week, confirming their plans to open offices in China.
The new regional office will...
The Ethereum Developer Fund, EIP-2025 Considered For Istanbul
Ethereum's protocol is about to undergo a substantial update. The Istanbul hard fork is the next stage on the road to Ethereum 2.0. Some...
Elon Musk Post Temporarily Lifts Ethereum (ETH) Prices, Will He Join the Network?
Yesterday, the Ethereum scene was lit up. Twitter was “flaming” and Ethereum search count exploded as Google Trend data shows. It had all to...