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Bitcoin News

Asian Bitcoin news. Bitcoin BTC digital currency, Satoshi Nakamoto’s creation price insights from Asia and its Bitcoin exchanges here

China crypto miners

Another 120 Years to Mine the Last 15 percent of Bitcoin (BTC) Remains

The Bitcoin Obituaries page says that the cryptocurrency has been declared dead 371 times since its invention. Despite the bearish predictions, as of August...
bitcoin miners face virus attack hant

Chinese Bitcoin (BTC) Miners Facing Large Virus Attack

Miners in China have begun to cross their fingers and look over there shoulders as continued reports of dangerous viruses that look to extradite...

What happened with Bakkt?

Bakkt, a Bitcoin futures contracts platform, went live on September 22. The platform seeks to alleviate fears exhibited by institutional and retail investors when...
Litecoin Bitcoin Novogratz

Mike Novogratz: ‘Sell Litecoin (and) buy Bitcoin’

Litecoin has made massive gains in the past few months. Since the turn of the year, Litecoin has rallied more than 100%, climbing from...
Bitcoin True Valuation pic

Prepare for a Bull Run, Bitcoin’s MVRV Ratio Broke Above 1

The space is heating up and even after last week’s mini-dump, thanks mostly to all the drama around BitFinex, iFinex and USDT, there is...
Bitfinex hack 2016: $1.5M in Stolen Bitcoin Changes Address

Bitfinex hack 2016: $1.5M in Stolen Bitcoin Changes Address

Bitfinex hack 2016: $1.5M in Stolen Bitcoin Changes Address
mastering bitcoin on chinese tv

“Mastering Bitcoin” Book Appeared on Chinese TV

Andreas Antonopoulos has written the classic "Mastering Bitcoin" - a must read for everyone starting the cryptocurrency journey. Recently, the author was surprised to...
Bitconnect, the infamous Ponzi scheme that scammed many in the crypto community in one of the biggest scandals in the industry is reportedly making a return.

The Bitcoin Scam, Bitconnect, Returns With Bitconnect 2.0 Rebrand

Bitconnect, the infamous Ponzi scheme that scammed many in the crypto community in one of the biggest scandals in the industry is reportedly making a return.
Bitcoin has the same carbon footprint

Research: Bitcoin has the same carbon footprint as Las Vegas with Asia housing 68%...

The Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithm used by Bitcoin is the major reason why Bitcoin, as it revolutionizes financial transactions, is harming the environment
Will china ban bitcoin?

China Owning 51% Of The Hashing Power: A Blessing Or A Bomb Waiting To...

Ever wondered how Bitcoin is generated? Do they just float in the air and the people that are lucky enough can just snatch them...