Home Guides What is HapeBeast?

What is HapeBeast?


Hapebeast is an Ethereum-based collection of 8,192 highly-detailed 3D apes equipped from head to toe with stylish streetwear outfits. 

A handful of NFT collections have already made record-breaking feats, and profits, in the competitive world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

While replicating these records is both an ambitious dream and a moonshot, one new hype collection will attempt to swing past these achievements through fashion and passion. 


Digimental, a London-based digital art studio founded by Matt Sypien, kickstarted the highly-promising Hapebeast NFT project. 

The team comprises a creative designer, game director, blockchain and smart contract experts, marketing geniuses, and music enthusiasts. 

On its back are the passionate army of moderators in different parts of the world, including the U.S., U.K., Indonesia, Philippines, Russia, and even moderators from the LGBTQ+ community. 

What is Hapebeast? 

Hapebeast is an Ethereum-based collection of 8,192 highly-detailed 3D apes equipped from head to toe with stylish streetwear outfits. 

Aside from streetwear elements, the apes’ outfits were also inspired by contemporary high fashion and 90s hip hop. 

The name Hapebeast was a direct nod from the word ‘hypebeast,’ which describes a person or group of people dedicated to collecting highly fashionable items. 

When it comes to aesthetics and 3D quality, the collection is comparable with the highly successful Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). 

And with Hapebeast’s current progress, it has the potential to be the next ‘blue chip’ collection of the NFT world, bringing itself closer to BAYC, not only by aesthetics but also by success. 

How to Have a Hape? 

Having a Hapebeast won’t be as easy as getting typical NFT characters, as it would require early support and being in line with the community’s ideals. 

Early supporters, or the ‘O.G.s,’ had the privilege to mint up to two NFTs when it was launched last January 19, 2022.

But NFT enthusiasts who weren’t early supporters of the project were required to participate on the collection’s whitelist, which, in itself, also had an additional ‘requirement.’ 

Enthusiasts who wish to join this list must possess the creative spirit of the HAPE community by having a background in art, music, and other creative endeavors. 


Hypbeast’s roadmap is quite short but oozing with so much promise because of the enormous potential that these plans can unlock. 

1st PhaseFirst drop and music-based venture 
2nd Phase New drop and special collection 
3rd Phase HAPE Coutoure 
Clothing collaborations

Big Year Ahead for Hapebeast 

There is so much hype on this hot new collection, creating stunning records and attracting big celebrities this year alone. 

A concierge company that serves mystery clients owned by Paris Hilton has already secured four apes in the collection. 

Other celebrities, including John Terry, Gael Monfils, and Neymar, will celebrate with the 8,000 + strong community who were able to join Hapebeast’s whitelist. 

The collection will soon unleash its metaverse called HAPEWALK, which would further increase the utility of the fashionable apes. 

Indeed, it won’t be a sleepy season for the collection because aside from its recent successes, some of the world’s biggest luxury fashion houses have lined up to collaborate with it. 

Hypebeast’s launch is considered the most significant launch yet in the NFT world; in fact, its Discord channel has already drawn 450,000 people, which is already a record feat.

Hybeast is not Saypien’s first big venture as he has already served A-List clients in the past, including Nike, Jordan Air, MTV, and Nickelodeon.

Do Team Members Own Hapebeast NFTs? 

The crucial ownership issue among founders was discussed and clarified in the collection’s Discord announcement channel. 

The team recognized the possible issues and controversies that may arise once they purchase the apes they created. 

The community will undoubtedly get the impression that team members will have the capability to manipulate the collection’s floor price and gain other unfair advantages. 

But the team clarified that it remains necessary for them to own a certain number of Hapebeast to keep the whole project intact. 

They announced that they would be taking 64 Hybeast through transparent means to balance everything. 

First, they will use an on-chain randomness and provenance hash to clearly show that no metadata and traits have been manipulated. Second, they won’t purchase the most valuable apes, and third, they won’t be selling their apes at least one month after the reveal. 

Strong Community Support

The Hapebeast team has undoubtedly prepared, not only for the collection but also for its continuously growing community as well. 

It has prepared a minting video in its Discord channel to help beginners in the community to navigate the basics of NFT purchases. 

It has also launched an event called Saturday Night Vibes to help the community detoxify, find peace and unload the things that are weighing them. 

Its Discord channel has dedicated channels for ‘general wellness,’ ‘mental health, ‘body,’ ‘career advice,’ ‘LGBTQ,’ and ‘women’ to address the community’s varying needs and necessary representations. 


As a preparation for the grand reveal, the team has advised holders who have put their Hapebeasts for sale to delist them. 

By not following this advice, bots might steal rare Hapebeast that are on sale even before their aesthetics, data, and traits are revealed on OpenSea. 

The team also warned about direct messages from  “team members,” so-called “raffles,” and “giveaways” from Hapebeast. 

They made it clear that no team members will send D.M.s, and Hapebeast hasn’t yet launched a public sale and stealth drop. The only legitimate promo it is conducting right now can be found on its official Twitter account. 


The Hapebeast collection has already secured a footing in people’s ever-decreasing attention span through its hype-filled characters, community, and plans. 

But it is still an early year for the collection, and an army of new competitors will surely challenge its newfound fame and might change its current standing. 

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